The Smell of Fresh Rain

Bearing in mind my other blog post 'The Simple Things', when it rained for the first time in weeks the other day, I went straight out into the garden with my camera. The smell was beautiful, and the funny thing is, I never really appreciated the smell of it more than a few years ago. It was only when a friend opened the door to the rain once and took in a deep breath and explained that she loved the smell of fresh rain, that I realised just how wonderful it is. Sometimes it takes someone pointing something small like this out, for it to be turned into a gift for the rest of one's life.


I have always loved how the rain water collects in the middle of the lupin leaves and I'm glad I've now managed to get some photographs of it. I would like to create an acrylic painting of this one day, possibly going down the hyper-realistic route for this one if I can find the patience!