The positives of lockdown

My experience of lockdown is of course very different from many people, especially the key workers that are working incredibly hard at the moment. However, I thought, in this extremely difficult and uncertain time it would be good to put some focus on the positives that have come out of this terrible situation. I don't believe this was 'meant' to happen, but I do believe that positives can be found in it.


Many people have been given uncertainty in their jobs and their financial situations, but with that, they also gain time. Time with their families or time to focus on new hobbies, either way, time that can be used for themselves and their enjoyment. Another unwelcome development of Covid-19 is that the towns have pretty much closed down with cafes, pubs, shops are not open anymore. Through this, however, many of us have learnt to appreciate the simpler things in life. That weekly take-away has been replaced with a healthier home-cooked meal. The trips to the cinema have been replaced with chatty walks in the countryside. We of course hope that these places can recover well, but the bonding that is happening in households at this moment, can only be a good thing.


My personal experience of lockdown to very true to the previous generalisation. I see the extra time at home as a gift and count myself very lucky to have a garden in which to enjoy the sun and to watch the rain. I miss my family and friends but am thankful for the technology that allows video calls. I do hope this is all over soon, for the sake of the people who are being badly affected by this situation. Whilst we are in this situation, I want to be grateful for the little things that make all the difference.