How I became a part of phoebe the bee

In the summer of last year (2019) I had just finished swimming and had gone round a friend's house for some toast, as you do! I noticed I had a missed call so I phoned back and a lovely lady named Jenny answered.


She explained that she had got my number from her friend who happened to be friends with my mother. She was writing some children's books all about wildlife conservation starting with a bee named Phoebe!


She and her friend, Elaine, had come up with this idea together and Elaine would narrate the books, so it would include an audio CD as well. Of course with an audio book, you'd want a composer which Jenny found in her friend Chris, a talented musician. With Jenny, Elaine, Chris, the editor, Duane, and myself, we're turning out to be a good team, a team named 'Tales from Mother Earth.'


It's been an incredible journey so far, hosting events, teaching children the importance of planting flowers and what bees do for us. We have Spike the Hedgehog in the pipeline which I have already done most of the illustrations for and we'll see where it goes from there!


You can visit the website and buy a book HERE!