I have always liked to be expressive in my art work. Being quite a sensitive soul myself, I find fulfilment in managing to get across how someone might be feeling visually. Doing this for children's illustration is important to me because I feel children do experience emotion in quite a unique way to adults, in general. It seems more simple but yet more complicated, given the lack of experience and wisdom they haven't yet gained to understand what they're feeling and why.


My experience with this subject is purely from general life experience and not from having educated knowledge of this. It just seems about right to me.


I do like how 'in the moment' these example images are. The only thing these illustrations are showing are what they are feeling at the exact point in time. Pure joy of catching a wave, pure misery on possibly a telling off, pure contentment as the sun kisses your forehead and pure focus on getting home out the cold wind! From my (limited) experience, children find it easier to feel more 'in the moment' than adults, in general. Perhaps adults could learn something from this?